Yep. It's snowing. In October.
Iiiiiiiiiiiii hate snow.
On the plus side, however, my 16th birthday is coming up, on Saturday.
That's always good news, right?
(As long as it doesn't snow.)
And each coming day is closer to opening night of the musical our school is doing this year, Cinderella's Glass Slipper. I'm the mouse. That's pretty exciting.
Which reminds me, I should be practicing my dance. Oh well, I've pretty much got it down.
I finally got my learner's permit! That means I get my license this April. It's kind of a long wait, but that's okay. I don't really care.
Driving isn't going to be my favorite feat. I'll drive only when I need to; you know, to conserve our world's natural resources.
For Halloween this year, I'm going to be Chuck!
From the T.V. show, Chuck.
It was Erika's idea. That child is a genius, I tell you.
I just saw a preview commercial for yet another James Bond (007) movie.
I though they were done making those.
Guess I was wrong.
I'm going to try to update this more,
since I haven't got much else to do.
So keep checking up!
You might find something new to read! [:
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Baby, It's Cold Outside...
winter in autumn
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Sign my petition!
So, you're the biggest Jonas Brothers fan in northern Utah, eh?
Too bad they're not coming here so you can see them
(or maybe even meet them)!
What in the world can YOU do to get them to come?
I'm making petetions to get them to come!
Here's one I found:
(I think that's right)
And I'll be making profiles for it, too, mmkay?
Too bad they're not coming here so you can see them
(or maybe even meet them)!
What in the world can YOU do to get them to come?
I'm making petetions to get them to come!
Here's one I found:
(I think that's right)
And I'll be making profiles for it, too, mmkay?
I'll keep you posted!
Tell your friends!
The more we get, the more the tour people will want them to come here!
Jonas Brothers,
Paul Kevin,
Friday, July 18, 2008
It's About Time
So, it's probably time for me to give y'all an update, so here's what's been up...
..Starting Monday, I'm going to go for a run from about 5 A.M. to sometime around six. how far I'll go, I'm not sure. I reeally need to get in shape for cross country, or I won't be able to be on the team!
..I finally get to go buy my freaking bag. I'll post a picture for y'all when I buy it. I'm too excited!
..This school year, I'm going to dress in brighter colors. I learned not a lot of people want to talk to you when you're wearing black, black, and whatever dark colors match black. I'm also going to cut my hair so it's not in my face so much, because, once more, it looks like I'm too depressing to talk to. Which I'm pretty sure I'm not.
..3 weeks, 4 days until the release of the Jonas Brothers' new album (I think)!
..I've finally made it to YouTube! My latest video is below. I've got plenty more, and there's many to come:
..Starting Monday, I'm going to go for a run from about 5 A.M. to sometime around six. how far I'll go, I'm not sure. I reeally need to get in shape for cross country, or I won't be able to be on the team!
..I finally get to go buy my freaking bag. I'll post a picture for y'all when I buy it. I'm too excited!
..This school year, I'm going to dress in brighter colors. I learned not a lot of people want to talk to you when you're wearing black, black, and whatever dark colors match black. I'm also going to cut my hair so it's not in my face so much, because, once more, it looks like I'm too depressing to talk to. Which I'm pretty sure I'm not.
..3 weeks, 4 days until the release of the Jonas Brothers' new album (I think)!
..I've finally made it to YouTube! My latest video is below. I've got plenty more, and there's many to come:
If you've got a YouTube- subscribe, comment, and send the link to your friends!
I'd love to have lots of views (:
Okay, bye!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Guess what, y'all!
I'm on youtube!
Watch my videos!
Okay, that's it for now!!
I'm on youtube!
Watch my videos!
Okay, that's it for now!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Oh boyyy.
I don't know what to write, so here's some pictures.
My autograph.. in case you wanted it.

Red Bull.. yum!
Friday, June 20, 2008
We Rock! Camp Rock!
I just saw it! It was excellent!
Also, Burning Up video- excellent! I don't want to give it away for those of you who're waiting to see it, buuut Big Rob pretty much stole the show. But Nicholas still rocked it with a net-shooter thing, Joe looked fahan-tahstic with a moustache, and Kevin can really kung-fu fight!
Oh, and good job to the band.. and Selena.
Tomorrow is going to rock like Camp Rock. We're having nothing but cereal ALL DAY!
Now, if you know me, you'll know I really love cereal it truly does rock. We have like-fifty kinds.
I totally call the Cocoa Pebbles. (:
((If you can't tell, I'm back. I'll post pictures and junk later!))
Also, Burning Up video- excellent! I don't want to give it away for those of you who're waiting to see it, buuut Big Rob pretty much stole the show. But Nicholas still rocked it with a net-shooter thing, Joe looked fahan-tahstic with a moustache, and Kevin can really kung-fu fight!
Oh, and good job to the band.. and Selena.
Tomorrow is going to rock like Camp Rock. We're having nothing but cereal ALL DAY!
Now, if you know me, you'll know I really love cereal it truly does rock. We have like-fifty kinds.
I totally call the Cocoa Pebbles. (:
((If you can't tell, I'm back. I'll post pictures and junk later!))
Monday, June 16, 2008
I'm going to Camp Rock (sort of)!
So, I'm not actually spending the next four days with Joseph Jonas (unfortnately..), I'm just going to my church's girls camp. But I can guarantee I'll be making a lot of music, meaning I'll be singing many a song by the Jonas Brothers or Connect 3.
I'm deciding if I'm going to be excited. Yeah, four days without screaming brother and real chores, but it's also four days without internet and cell phones. So we'll have to see how it goes.
I'm deciding if I'm going to be excited. Yeah, four days without screaming brother and real chores, but it's also four days without internet and cell phones. So we'll have to see how it goes.
Friday, June 13, 2008
What Kind of Loser?
So, if you haven't read my MatMice, YouTube, or if I didn't send you the e-mail (which, if I have your e-mail address, I did), you will have heard someone hacked Garbo (greggarbo)'s accounts. I really shouldn't take it so hard, seeing as I'm not Garbo and I don't actually know the guy, but that's seriously not cool. And besides, I spent countless hours reading them, so now what am I going to do with my time?
Congratulations, whoever did that. You just made me and pretty much whoever else likes Garbo mad. So, you'd better hope you don't get caught, or we might injure you, let alone murder you. Who knows, we might drown you in peanut oil. Just a warning. :)
Umm.. kay.. so, keep commenting and crap. I'll comment you back or something!
Congratulations, whoever did that. You just made me and pretty much whoever else likes Garbo mad. So, you'd better hope you don't get caught, or we might injure you, let alone murder you. Who knows, we might drown you in peanut oil. Just a warning. :)
Umm.. kay.. so, keep commenting and crap. I'll comment you back or something!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
"How did it go, Jaysee?"
So, as you may or may not know (which you should, if you read my last blog), I got to be an extra in High School Musical 3 yesterday. So.. I'm guessing you want to know which celebrities I saw.
-Kenny Ortega
-Zac Efron
-the Movie Surfers
...Sorry, I can't tell you anything about the movie (I don't know much myself). So, I guess you'll have to see the movie. Look for me- I'm in an outside scene, in the back walking towards the school. My friend and I are in yellow shirts, if it helps.
Now I just need to keep checking the mail. They paid me $92. Yeah. I know. And the first thing I'm buyng? A Jonas Brothers bag I saw at the mall.
-Kenny Ortega
-Zac Efron
-the Movie Surfers
...Sorry, I can't tell you anything about the movie (I don't know much myself). So, I guess you'll have to see the movie. Look for me- I'm in an outside scene, in the back walking towards the school. My friend and I are in yellow shirts, if it helps.
Now I just need to keep checking the mail. They paid me $92. Yeah. I know. And the first thing I'm buyng? A Jonas Brothers bag I saw at the mall.
Friday, June 6, 2008
An Update on my Boring Life...
So... I'm going to be in High School Musical 3, on Tuesday. I need to bring 3 outfits, preferably light colored. I'd like to point out I don't own a ton of light colors. Oh well, I'll find something. I'm not a humongous HSM fan, but I'm getting paid. In that case... Go Wildcats!
Ughhhhhh.... there's nothing on T.V. So Madre and I are watching an HBO movie called "John Adams". Woo.
I finally got a purity ring. It's silver, but I painted it a coral-y color with nail polish. That's because I'm going to get a better one later. Eventually.
From the seventeenth to the twentieth of this month, I'll be at church camp. I'm not really a hundred percent sure I want to go (actually, I'm 35% sure), but I'm going for the outdoor experience. I hope that I'm not too much of a loser this year (last year, I was a social outcast, and the year before, if it wasn't for Bianca and Amber, this girl and I would've killed each other). I'll tell you what happens.
Well.. I'm out! Love you guys!
Ughhhhhh.... there's nothing on T.V. So Madre and I are watching an HBO movie called "John Adams". Woo.
I finally got a purity ring. It's silver, but I painted it a coral-y color with nail polish. That's because I'm going to get a better one later. Eventually.
From the seventeenth to the twentieth of this month, I'll be at church camp. I'm not really a hundred percent sure I want to go (actually, I'm 35% sure), but I'm going for the outdoor experience. I hope that I'm not too much of a loser this year (last year, I was a social outcast, and the year before, if it wasn't for Bianca and Amber, this girl and I would've killed each other). I'll tell you what happens.
Well.. I'm out! Love you guys!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
An Adventure With Indiana Jaysee
To celebrate summer vacation, I decided to go on adventure. Okay, I just went to work with my dad. I talked to some girls I didn't know (but they knew me, somehow), and after they left, I took my dad's camera and took some pictures of my adventure. Of course, as most adventurers know, there's always a treasure. In my case, it was Tony's Pizza.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Da da da-da, da da da, da da da-da, da da da-da-da
For those of you who can't read music-transposed-into-words, that's the Indiana Jones theme. I went and saw Kingdom of the Crystal Skull last night. It wasn't as good as I'd hoped. And Shia LeBouf ruined it (no offense to him if he's reading this, which I doubt he is). He's just in too many other things I've seen.
There's only three days of school left (Tuesday-Thursday)! This year has gone by waaay too fast. But lucky for me, that means only three years until graduation (Sophomore, Junior, Senior, done!)! Whoo! The only poblem is- what am I going to do with my life? I've got three different career choices, but I'm not sure how they'll happen:
> Musician
> Actress (probably in the Shakespearean thing)
> Sports nutritionist
Yeah, that last one really doesn't fit in with anything else, buuut oh well.
Next topic: I'm planning on buying both David Archuleta and David Cook's albums when they come out. David Archuleta is really good (and he's from my state and all that), but David Cook is more of someone I'd listen to. So I'll buy both and decide which is best from there.
Which reminds me.. did you see Idol? The Jonas Brothers got haircuts! A little shocking, but they look good. Especially Nick, his hair was getting a little long! :)
Okay, bye!
There's only three days of school left (Tuesday-Thursday)! This year has gone by waaay too fast. But lucky for me, that means only three years until graduation (Sophomore, Junior, Senior, done!)! Whoo! The only poblem is- what am I going to do with my life? I've got three different career choices, but I'm not sure how they'll happen:
> Musician
> Actress (probably in the Shakespearean thing)
> Sports nutritionist
Yeah, that last one really doesn't fit in with anything else, buuut oh well.
Next topic: I'm planning on buying both David Archuleta and David Cook's albums when they come out. David Archuleta is really good (and he's from my state and all that), but David Cook is more of someone I'd listen to. So I'll buy both and decide which is best from there.
Which reminds me.. did you see Idol? The Jonas Brothers got haircuts! A little shocking, but they look good. Especially Nick, his hair was getting a little long! :)
Okay, bye!
Friday, May 16, 2008
The Week Ends.... Finally!
This week just dragged on and on and on and on and on! I'm so glad it's over!
My dad needs to come home. Like right now. I need him to tell me
if the people from High School Musical 3 called. If they did,
I'll be at East High tomorrow!
If they didn't, I'll probably be at my cousin's. Boo.
So.. today my mom told me I was becoming antisocial. I just don't like people sometimes. They can just bug me. I can't help that.
It's not like I don't have any friends; I hang out with people all the time.
Sometimes Jaysee needs to have some time for Jaysee stuff- guitar, reading, excercising writing, more guitar, running, junk like that. People don't understand that.
I'm pretty excited to go see Indiana Jones (is it coming out next weekend or the one after? I don't remember)! I watched all the movies last weekend, so I'm prepared for it. I heard Indy dies in this one! I'll be soooooo sad if he does!
My dad needs to come home. Like right now. I need him to tell me
if the people from High School Musical 3 called. If they did,
I'll be at East High tomorrow!
If they didn't, I'll probably be at my cousin's. Boo.
So.. today my mom told me I was becoming antisocial. I just don't like people sometimes. They can just bug me. I can't help that.
It's not like I don't have any friends; I hang out with people all the time.
Sometimes Jaysee needs to have some time for Jaysee stuff- guitar, reading, excercising writing, more guitar, running, junk like that. People don't understand that.
I'm pretty excited to go see Indiana Jones (is it coming out next weekend or the one after? I don't remember)! I watched all the movies last weekend, so I'm prepared for it. I heard Indy dies in this one! I'll be soooooo sad if he does!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Most Definitely Fantastalic!
I just got a new favorite song by
(get this)
someone else besides the Jonas Brothers!
(and it's not by Connect 3 from "Camp Rock" either!)
It's a band called Push Play
the song is called "Starlight Addiction"
and it's fantastic!
Here's the link:
You should totally watch it! It's really good! I love it!
Ohh, and I heard of Push Play from the Jonas Brothers.
Mandy Van Duyne (from the JB song Mandy, she dated Joe)
is dating the singer, CJ!
He's the dirty-blonde guy with the fauxhawk.
(get this)
someone else besides the Jonas Brothers!
(and it's not by Connect 3 from "Camp Rock" either!)
It's a band called Push Play
the song is called "Starlight Addiction"
and it's fantastic!
Here's the link:
You should totally watch it! It's really good! I love it!
Ohh, and I heard of Push Play from the Jonas Brothers.
Mandy Van Duyne (from the JB song Mandy, she dated Joe)
is dating the singer, CJ!
He's the dirty-blonde guy with the fauxhawk.
Friday, May 9, 2008
What to write, what to write...?
"Lucida Grande"? Nice font title, yo! ;)
Today, I took my dad's camera phone (mine has no camera). I decided to play with all the different colors. I completely and totally fell in love with the "negative" setting! Check it out!
It's my dog. He looks like a ghost, because negative turns a black dog white- I mean- yeah, there's a ghost dog in my house!!! Freeeeakyyy!
For the final report of the school year, we're doing the beautiful continent of Oceania! Aaaaaaaand, my friend Erica and I got one of the (most definitely) most awesome countries ever....
(drumroll please....)
(now a didgeridoo solo...)
Australia! I'm so freaking excited! This is going to be the best project ever!
Today, I took my dad's camera phone (mine has no camera). I decided to play with all the different colors. I completely and totally fell in love with the "negative" setting! Check it out!

For the final report of the school year, we're doing the beautiful continent of Oceania! Aaaaaaaand, my friend Erica and I got one of the (most definitely) most awesome countries ever....
(drumroll please....)
(now a didgeridoo solo...)
Australia! I'm so freaking excited! This is going to be the best project ever!
Friday, May 2, 2008
More thoughts from a loser!
Today, I chose to write with the font called "Trebuchet".
Sounds French. Cool.
So.. I've taken to reading Garbo's blogs (greggarbo).
They're quite fantastic, if I do say so myself.
Oh yeah.. and I decided to make a lifestyle change.
I'm going green for good! I'm going to do my part to
save the planet! Whoo! Go Earth!
Sounds French. Cool.
So.. I've taken to reading Garbo's blogs (greggarbo)
They're quite fantastic, if I do say so myself.
Oh yeah.. and I decided to make a lifestyle change.
save the planet! Whoo! Go Earth!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
First Blog!! Whoo!!
This here is my first blog entry. I'm barely learning how to do this, thanks to my tutor, Kayla (freakytwin) . So.. I'm guessing you want to know about me? I'm short for my age, I'm a Jonas Brothers fan (extremely so), and I'm a musician. Not enough? Get over it.
Well, I'll write again as soon as possible. So if you happen upon this blog again, you'll probably have someting new to read.
Jaysee the Loser
Well, I'll write again as soon as possible. So if you happen upon this blog again, you'll probably have someting new to read.
Jaysee the Loser
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