Sunday, May 25, 2008

Da da da-da, da da da, da da da-da, da da da-da-da

For those of you who can't read music-transposed-into-words, that's the Indiana Jones theme. I went and saw Kingdom of the Crystal Skull last night. It wasn't as good as I'd hoped. And Shia LeBouf ruined it (no offense to him if he's reading this, which I doubt he is). He's just in too many other things I've seen.

There's only three days of school left (Tuesday-Thursday)! This year has gone by waaay too fast. But lucky for me, that means only three years until graduation (Sophomore, Junior, Senior, done!)! Whoo! The only poblem is- what am I going to do with my life? I've got three different career choices, but I'm not sure how they'll happen:
> Musician
> Actress (probably in the Shakespearean thing)
> Sports nutritionist
Yeah, that last one really doesn't fit in with anything else, buuut oh well.

Next topic: I'm planning on buying both David Archuleta and David Cook's albums when they come out. David Archuleta is really good (and he's from my state and all that), but David Cook is more of someone I'd listen to. So I'll buy both and decide which is best from there.

Which reminds me.. did you see Idol? The Jonas Brothers got haircuts! A little shocking, but they look good. Especially Nick, his hair was getting a little long! :)

Okay, bye!

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