Tuesday, August 31, 2010

At the Coooo-pahh..

That song was stuck in my head when I woke up this morning,
oddly enough.
Which is weird cause
I don't even remember how it goes all the way. 
Was it Rico or Tony who died? Or was it both? 
Pft. Beats me. 
I don't care that much anyway.

So.. A week into Senior year. I'm in.. approximately 
one buttload of college classes
(what is the unit of measurement for a "buttload" anyway?
Is it greater than or less than a crapload? 
Or what about a sh*tload?)
I'm in the "intermediate" drama class,
and I'm the aide for the beginning drama class.
So that's like, awesome.
Speaking of school and awesome..
I guess I'm pretty good at predicting trends, eh?
I saw people all over the world wearing my predictions!
(More than just me!)
I was like "sweeeeeet!" Maybe I'll do that more often?

So, time or me to brag a little about my relationship
(sorry, y'all singles out there. 
But hey. Beyonce's still got your back..
(Okay. I don't have a "ring on it" either, technically. It's a string.)
 My boyfriend Chris and I have been together
for nine months an ten days.
That's a pretty long time for a highschool relationship,
if I do say so myself.
And I also must say..
we're doing great(:
 I just have to show off, sorry.
I figure it's something I oughta brag about.
Cause we're great together.
And I love this kid.

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