Wednesday, June 2, 2010

gone, but not forgotten.

Let this day be known as one of mourning.
Today is Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 
the very day a loved one,
a very important part of my life,
has mysteriously perished while I was driving sometime this morning.
That's right. Let's all have a moment of silence for my small, 
but very beautiful and talented
GPX mp3 player.
I don't know what happened to it,
but somehow, while I wasn't home to guard her,
she got wet, and is no longer functional.
I remember when she used to tell me "hello" when I pushed her little button. 
Good times, now only a memory,
a memory of a time of music, joy and laughter, passed by with her passing.

Okay. No more of this sadness.
Let's focus on something positive!!!
Like... one,
As of last Thursday, summer vacation began,
as my Junior year of high school came to a close,
making this my last summer in high school,
and making me
In all caps, and all big, just like that.
Yeah. (:

Also, I got Beatles stuff to talk about! (:
On July 13, 
is coming to concert. 
Hopefully, I will have a job soon,
so I can get enough money to buy three tickets.
(What? You think I'm going alone? Pft. No way.
I gotta find two people who'd want to go with me.
Any takers?)
[And don't worry, DAD, I'll ask permission if I get the money]
And ANOTHER Beatles thing...
There's a movie coming out this year called
Nowhere Boy
that's about a certain JOHN LENNON.
It's going into theaters October 8.
That's EIGHT DAYS before my birthday.
So I think, for my eighteenth birthday,
I will ask my family for two or more tickets
to the midnight release.
(because , AGAIN, I won't go alone.)