Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Making it Better.

Finally! Spring weather! I mean.. Jeez!
It's been winter all month. And FINALLY, it's starting to look like spring!
Which is excellent, because I'm sick and tired of clouds and snow. So.. yay. (:

There's been a lot of earthquakes these past few months..
The one in California really shook people here in Utah.
It's only 700 miles from here.. which really isn't that far.
Our city lies right along a major fault line..
And we haven't had a major earthquake in over 300 years..
So a lot of folks are really getting freaked.
Scientists pedict a 7.0
Which really isn't awesome, but at least people are getting ready for one
which might actually happen.
But I'm sure, if we all work together,
we as a community can pull through it.