It's just that Adam Lambert's singles are out
and I can't get "For Your Entertainment" out of my head.
Gyyarsh, I suck. [:
So.. yesterday was Halloween. Obviously. I couldn't pick out a costume,
so I just did my usual attire:
black clothes and eyeliner,
and I let the people's imaginations run wild.
It's not like I got to trick-or-treat anyway. But I did take my brother and littlest sister around.
Which was fun.

Aaaaaaaanyways, yesterday something else happened.
We were watching two of our favorite ghost shows..
and you know how on Ghost Adventures
they say "dude, dude" repeatedly when they "see or hear something"?
Well, we got video of my brother imitating Aaron's frantic "dude, dude"-ing.
It's hilarious. He does the face and everything.
It's on my YouTube [summrbreak]. Go check it out. [:
Sorry I'm boring today.
I just haven't got much to say!
Ill think of something to talk about...
So I've pretty much come to the conclusion that my friends rock.
Because seriously, they're the best. I can't even explain it.
If the whole musician thing doesn't work for me,
I've decided on a career to fall back on.
I'm gonna be a ghost hunter!
I haven't decided if I want to try for TAPS
or start my own paranormal society
but either way I'd love to be on TV.
I already know all sorts of stuff about ghosts,
equipment, or anything to do with that.
Go ahead, quiz meh. [;