Thursday, May 28, 2009

They were dancin', and singin'...

Great news;

Awesomeness, yes?
I'm way too excited!
This summer's gonna be great! I have all sorts of plans!
And Junior year at BLHS is gonna be sooo different.
I'm going to make a whole bunch of lifestyle changes.
Hopefully it makes things a whole lot more.. awesome!

Plus, my darling homegirl Elesha and I are going to create our
As in, we're making up our own bangin' slang words!
And we'll totally call pinks on them. So if anybody else uses them-
We get to give 'em all sortsa crap for it!

OH goodness. I'm thrilled.

Don't forget-
since it's summer, summrbreak is gonna be making many new YouTube videos, so don't forget to subscribe, watch, and enjoy!

Have a grrrreat summah!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Looking Back: Anthology

My Anthology assignment was to reflect upon a memory of this school year, but I kinda overdid it. Oh well!:

Ohh, man! This year has been uber awesome! I can't even believe it! So many crazy things have happened!
Like, in the Drama Clan. I got the opportunity to participate in the school musical, Cinderella's Glass Slipper. I got to know so many people! Plus dressing up in that crazy mouse costume and spazzing out while singing was probably the most courageous thing I've ever done! It totally ROCKED! Directing a play in the one-acts was a challenge, but it was super fun. And I have just got to say that Mrs. Lewis is awesome. She is truly an amazing person. She went through all sorts of crap for us! I am very much going to miss her and her drama classes for sure!
I also am able to claim the honor of being friends with Alayna for over ten years now. She and I have practically been sisters for pretty much ever. We have been through so much, it's almost unspeakable. Alayna has always been there for me, and vice versa. I do not know where in the universe I would be without her! We've had our differences, but somehow we always manage to pull through it together. Ten years! That's a really long time, but I am fourteen hundred twenty-seven percent positive that she will continue to be the Lizzie McGuire to my Miranda Sanchez for years to come!
Of course, I have plenty of other excellent friends as well. Kathy has always been there for me, no matter the circumstances. Billie and Jennifer have served as great girls to talk to about nearly everything. Erica has been there as a long time, taking my crap and giving me hers. Vendla is a real load lifter. I can go to her for any little thing, from silly teenage drama to real-world problems that may occur. She's funny, sweet, caring and adorable; I am going to miss her too much in the future when she goes to Roy!

I think that my parents have helped me out this year a whole bunch as well. It wasn't until recently that I realized how how much time and energy they give for me and my siblings every day. I have gained a whole new respect for them and the sacrifices they've made for me. [And on a personal note- I hope they'll make another and cut me some slack for my terrible math and science grades!]
I truly believe that this year I have grown as a person. I've had a lot of amazing days. This year has been one that I will remember forever, good times and bad. I feel so blessed that I lucked out and get to have so many awesome people in my life. I will be eternally grateful for all the experienced I have gained and I deeply wish that 2009-2010 will be just as excellent as this!