Monday, April 20, 2009

Gotta Love Them Texan Unicorns;

Nice title, eh?
I'm not gonna lie, the title was partially inspired
by James Kyson Lee's Twitter update.
Speaking of..
[Twitter, not Ando..]
I've joined the mainly usless community of Twitter!
Come check me out!
And now you can see what I'm doing...
while I'm doing it!
*It's like magic!*

Okee dokee.
My stupid school
has decided that our school has no need
for certain Arts programs.
So, it has decided to cut about half the choir,
one of the music teachers,
and the ENTIRE theater program,
including the beloved Drama teacher,
Mrs. PJ Lewis.
Obviously we are not excessively thrilled about this.
Okay, we're not at ALL thrilled.
And guess what!
I just lettered in Drama.
My jacket got ordered about three weeks ago.
But I guess this isn't all about me.
It's about all of us at BL
who have discovered a new love for acting
and were just beginning to tap into that.
We as a clan are very upset about that.

Okay, now I get to do my first ever
And Chris has decided that I should write about
[Imagine that!]
He is probably the most awesome dude in the world.
No, the universe.
Possibly cooler than Burger King crowns.
No, he's definitely cooler than BK crowns.
He saved my butt during the one-acts.
[aww.. drama reference!]
[referring to one-acts, not butt saving]
I totally owe him one.
A big one.
Just thought I'd let you know he's super cool.
The best ex husband I've ever had. [;

[and, if he's reading this..
I love ya!]