Sunday, November 1, 2009

Once I'm in I Own Your Heart.....

Song lyrics as the entry title. Lame, yes. Sorry.
It's just that Adam Lambert's singles are out
and I can't get "For Your Entertainment" out of my head.
Gyyarsh, I suck. [:

So.. yesterday was Halloween. Obviously. I couldn't pick out a costume,
so I just did my usual attire:
black clothes and eyeliner,
and I let the people's imaginations run wild.
It's not like I got to trick-or-treat anyway. But I did take my brother and littlest sister around.
Which was fun.

Aaaaaaaanyways, yesterday something else happened.
We were watching two of our favorite ghost shows..
and you know how on Ghost Adventures
they say "dude, dude" repeatedly when they "see or hear something"?
Well, we got video of my brother imitating Aaron's frantic "dude, dude"-ing.
It's hilarious. He does the face and everything.
It's on my YouTube [summrbreak]. Go check it out. [:

Sorry I'm boring today.
I just haven't got much to say!
Ill think of something to talk about...

So I've pretty much come to the conclusion that my friends rock.
Because seriously, they're the best. I can't even explain it.

If the whole musician thing doesn't work for me,
I've decided on a career to fall back on.
I'm gonna be a ghost hunter!
I haven't decided if I want to try for TAPS
or start my own paranormal society
but either way I'd love to be on TV.
I already know all sorts of stuff about ghosts,
equipment, or anything to do with that.
Go ahead, quiz meh. [;

Friday, July 10, 2009

Barbecue Sauce on the Moooon!

This blog is going to be written in sandwich format, which is a simpler way of saying I'm going to write a good thing (top bread), then a bad thing (meat), then another good thing (bottom bread), in order to make the blog (sandwich) look better. Sooo.. here goes:

Top Bread: I bought a new tank top and new shoes, there are Otter Pops in the freezer (if Kayla doesn't eat 'em all), Alayna's sweet 16 is Tuesday (which had better be important, seeing as I skipped the essential American Idols Tour to go to her party), we get to eat El Matador salsa (yummy yum) with our burritos tonight, it's almost Monday (on Monday, add #ChuckMeMondays to all of your Tweets), which is when ChuckTV announces the Chuckisode of the week! I LOVE CHUCK! You should see it. [:

Meat: What is it with everybody being cranky lately? Grr. I mean, seriously? What the crap did I ever do to anybody to deserve getting yelled at all the time? OF COURSE I'm gonna be annoyed if I've got enough to keep me busy and then I get one more thing piled on top. YOU BET that when I'm in the middle of something I want to do and someone chooses interrupt me with something else, I'm not gonna be happy. And NO DUH, I'm gonna be an upset little camper when I'm just doing what I've been asked and something goes wrong. But does anyone care? Nooooo. It's all about them.

Bottom bread : I'm following some pretty amazing people on Twitter! If you have one, follow KrisAllen4Real (Kris Allen), AnoopDoggDesai (Anoop Desai), Allison4Realzzz (Allison Iraheta) and, most importantly, adamlambert (Adam Lambert.. duhhh).
Now those are just some of them. If you go to , then click on "following", you'll see the full list of fantast-a-freaking-listic people that I'm following! Oh, and don't forget to follow me! I promise I don't usually "Twat" (Adam Lambert's awesome word for boring Tweets)!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Soapbox Time.

[This rant is not intended to attack, judge, or point fingers at any individual. I am not, in any way, claiming to be perfect. This is just a big long thing about what's been on my mind recently. I didn't force y'all to read this, so don't get all peeved at what I say.]

If there's one thing I've learned in my sixteen years on this dark and once green planet, it's the history of this crazy little thing in existence called "integrity". I know.. freaky, right? As my life progresses in its usual dull manner, I have been able to take note on this thing. I've found that "integrity" has become small, weak, and usually defenseless. As we all know, the circle of life states that the weaker force is nearly always overpowered, and so integrity has, by this big monster called "ego". The ego bug has settled and overwhelmed the population, an I have personally witnessed the integrity deplete and nearly fall into the hands of extinction.
I am not trying to say that there is not a person with integrity these days whatsoever. I'm merely pointing out that the compassion which is given as a birthright to people is generally buried underneath the poison-like substances of selfishness and the dire need to feel important. However, there are occasional traces of humanity and love still found. They're just.. really hard to get to, that's all.
One of the aspects of integrity I have been missing the most would be the honesty. There is not a thing I am bothered by more than that of a person who leads more than one life. I find it hard to associate with people who are so different from day to day, they might as well be separate people. Leading a double, triple, or even quadruple life is not only confusing, but also a version of lying and hypocrisy. Hypocrites and liars hold a very damp page in my book. There is no quality lower to me than one of a person who can't keep a constant story. One who says the first thing followed by acting on the second (which the first heavily frowns upon) is, to me, an extremely sick being, and not sick in the cool way. I believe in consistancies. Personally, I attempt to be the same person with each and every being in my life, and it all seems to be working quite well with me. Those who have to keep things "on the DL" that they do, (say, for example, behaving rudely and inappropriately around their friends, but telling others that they would never dosuch a thing) should know that that basically makes them a liar and/or hypocrite. Eventually, said person will get caught up in their own web of lies and will find it tricky to find an escape, if there is one at all.
Finger pointing and judging also retain a solid sorrowful place in my peeve book. I strongly believe that there is not a person in this universe who holds such a right, to judge another being based on gender, race, lifestyle choices, or sexuality; anyone who disagrees is, in my opinion, incredibly narrow-minded and, simply put, stupid. People were put on this earth to love and care and make their own choices and exercise their own free will; they shouldn't have to worry about how others will treat them as a cause of their choices and actions. Don't get me wrong- everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But I don't think it's quite fair for people to use their opinions to oppress others and shove them into a "perfect" little box. Not everyone has to be like everyone else. It's up to them. Before any person starts wagging his finger at an other's preferences and choices, perhaps they should look at their own faults, and let "he who is without sin cast the first stone".
Please, let's leave the intra-personal judging to God, and let's all try to be healthy beings, honest ones. You'd be surprised at how many great things could come for letting peace into your life.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

They were dancin', and singin'...

Great news;

Awesomeness, yes?
I'm way too excited!
This summer's gonna be great! I have all sorts of plans!
And Junior year at BLHS is gonna be sooo different.
I'm going to make a whole bunch of lifestyle changes.
Hopefully it makes things a whole lot more.. awesome!

Plus, my darling homegirl Elesha and I are going to create our
As in, we're making up our own bangin' slang words!
And we'll totally call pinks on them. So if anybody else uses them-
We get to give 'em all sortsa crap for it!

OH goodness. I'm thrilled.

Don't forget-
since it's summer, summrbreak is gonna be making many new YouTube videos, so don't forget to subscribe, watch, and enjoy!

Have a grrrreat summah!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Looking Back: Anthology

My Anthology assignment was to reflect upon a memory of this school year, but I kinda overdid it. Oh well!:

Ohh, man! This year has been uber awesome! I can't even believe it! So many crazy things have happened!
Like, in the Drama Clan. I got the opportunity to participate in the school musical, Cinderella's Glass Slipper. I got to know so many people! Plus dressing up in that crazy mouse costume and spazzing out while singing was probably the most courageous thing I've ever done! It totally ROCKED! Directing a play in the one-acts was a challenge, but it was super fun. And I have just got to say that Mrs. Lewis is awesome. She is truly an amazing person. She went through all sorts of crap for us! I am very much going to miss her and her drama classes for sure!
I also am able to claim the honor of being friends with Alayna for over ten years now. She and I have practically been sisters for pretty much ever. We have been through so much, it's almost unspeakable. Alayna has always been there for me, and vice versa. I do not know where in the universe I would be without her! We've had our differences, but somehow we always manage to pull through it together. Ten years! That's a really long time, but I am fourteen hundred twenty-seven percent positive that she will continue to be the Lizzie McGuire to my Miranda Sanchez for years to come!
Of course, I have plenty of other excellent friends as well. Kathy has always been there for me, no matter the circumstances. Billie and Jennifer have served as great girls to talk to about nearly everything. Erica has been there as a long time, taking my crap and giving me hers. Vendla is a real load lifter. I can go to her for any little thing, from silly teenage drama to real-world problems that may occur. She's funny, sweet, caring and adorable; I am going to miss her too much in the future when she goes to Roy!

I think that my parents have helped me out this year a whole bunch as well. It wasn't until recently that I realized how how much time and energy they give for me and my siblings every day. I have gained a whole new respect for them and the sacrifices they've made for me. [And on a personal note- I hope they'll make another and cut me some slack for my terrible math and science grades!]
I truly believe that this year I have grown as a person. I've had a lot of amazing days. This year has been one that I will remember forever, good times and bad. I feel so blessed that I lucked out and get to have so many awesome people in my life. I will be eternally grateful for all the experienced I have gained and I deeply wish that 2009-2010 will be just as excellent as this!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Gotta Love Them Texan Unicorns;

Nice title, eh?
I'm not gonna lie, the title was partially inspired
by James Kyson Lee's Twitter update.
Speaking of..
[Twitter, not Ando..]
I've joined the mainly usless community of Twitter!
Come check me out!
And now you can see what I'm doing...
while I'm doing it!
*It's like magic!*

Okee dokee.
My stupid school
has decided that our school has no need
for certain Arts programs.
So, it has decided to cut about half the choir,
one of the music teachers,
and the ENTIRE theater program,
including the beloved Drama teacher,
Mrs. PJ Lewis.
Obviously we are not excessively thrilled about this.
Okay, we're not at ALL thrilled.
And guess what!
I just lettered in Drama.
My jacket got ordered about three weeks ago.
But I guess this isn't all about me.
It's about all of us at BL
who have discovered a new love for acting
and were just beginning to tap into that.
We as a clan are very upset about that.

Okay, now I get to do my first ever
And Chris has decided that I should write about
[Imagine that!]
He is probably the most awesome dude in the world.
No, the universe.
Possibly cooler than Burger King crowns.
No, he's definitely cooler than BK crowns.
He saved my butt during the one-acts.
[aww.. drama reference!]
[referring to one-acts, not butt saving]
I totally owe him one.
A big one.
Just thought I'd let you know he's super cool.
The best ex husband I've ever had. [;

[and, if he's reading this..
I love ya!]

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Loovvve Liiiike Wiiiinter (Wiiiinter, Three! Four!)

I haven't eveden listened to that song
(Love Like Winter by AFI)
since, like, eighth grade.
But for some odd reason it's stuck in my head.

It's seriously one of those really goth-emo songs. But I used to be in love with it. It was one of my favorites. I don't even understand it. Like, why love like winter? Why can't I love like spring or something? I don't even LIKE winter, so I obviously can't love like it. But I guess it would tale away the, uh, effect or something.
It's a really catchy song though, for a goth-emo thing. Hey! I'll post it up here... or.. the link to it...
Yeah, goth-ish, right?

The video's pretty scary too. That Davey (Or, I guess Amy, now) kinda creeps me out.
I remember when my friend Kathy all loved that guy with the blonde in his hair.
I wonder if she still does?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Welcome Twenty-oh-Nine!

I'm a couple days late. Sorry. But I still want to wish y'all an extremely fantastalistic new year!

I'm not too jazzed about going back to school Monday. But who is, right? But I am really excited to start directing my first play! It's ging to be great. I have some excellent actors. I'm getting some help from my good buddies Kathy and Rihannon (if Rihannon hasn't moved). It's going to be great. Hopefully I'll get it filmed so everyone can see it. Who knows.

Obviously I'm not very good at updating things. My poor blogger and YouTube accounts are gathering dust because they have been untouched for months! My new year's online resolution is to get updating.

You know whose blogs I really miss reading? Garbo's. They made me laugh. I still have that peanut oil threat out to whoever hacked him. [: